Maybe now?

I'm still trying to find my ideal blogging platform. I do have things to say. I think. I mean, during the last few years I've spent more time setting up the blog than writing content for it, so I can hardly say it's a priority 😇 For now, I'll settle here and try to use it.

I used WordPress for more than a decade. It was too big and complex and a general pain in the ass just to keep it up and running. Then I tried Medium for a couple of years but I didn't really like how the platform tried to register everyone and monetize everything (I'm not even trying to make money from my posts). I also tried hosted WordPress, and then for a real change I tried static websites generated with Hugo and hosted as GitHub Pages. Too cumbersome.

So, here we are! This is a WriteFreely blog hosted at It's simple but friendly. We'll see what happens 😬

#English #blogging